Michael Meszaros has lived as a full-time sculptor for thirty years. His work covers a wide range and includes medallions, reliefs, trophies, portraits and major public works done on commission. He has also produced a large body of personal works in the areas of medallions and 3D sculpture.

Email Michael at meszaros@sculptorsvictoria.asn.au or see his contact details here




He does not try to keep a signature style, preferring to let each idea lead him to the style that is most appropriate for that idea. In producing his commissioned pieces he works together with his clients to arrive at a conclusion satisfactory to himself and the client.

In his personal work, he experiments with new ideas and also draws on solutions he has had to find for comissioned work. His overriding conviction is that a work of good art must begin with a strong and relevant philosophical idea. This idea must be expressed in a design that conveys the idea understandably and is produced at the highest possible technical standard.

His clients include governments, universities, schools, professional and research bodies, industry and private individuals.

Address: 15 Laver st, Kew, Victoria, Australia 3101
Telephone: 61 3 9853 9610
Fax (in Australia): 03 9853 9610
Fax (outside Australia): 61 9853 5929

Email: meszaros@sculptorsvictoria.asn.au

Small WorksPublic WorksMedallions and Portraits

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