Aaron Jones | Sculptor profile
Threads of Renewal Catharsis Sentinel Passing Through Hope Momentum from Confidence Feeling Gratitude as Water Shameless Reflection Joy Acceptance & Commitment Grace

Aaron Jones

  • Works online: 11 Total prizes: 2
  • Preferred media: recycled timber,
  • Sculpture styles: abstract,
  • Sculpture scales:
    No sculpture scales defined.
  • Sculpture settings: indoor,
  • Works to Comission: Yes
  • Runs Classes: No
Aaron Jones short bio

Artist Bio – Aaron Jones

Sculptures made from found or recycled timber using hand tools

No formal art education or training

Artists Statement

In a world where so much value seems placed on the shiny and the new, true beauty awaits those who care to explore beneath the surface of existing materials such as discarded and weathered timber, with its physical and embodied history.

My work is driven by my love of the character and potential contained within timber that has been “distressed” by age and the elements. I endeavor to enter into a “conversation” with the material I work with, a conversation that changes us both, and that seeks to reflect the sentiments expressed by art critic Gene Baro, who in his interpretation of Henry Moore’s work states:

“The act of finding a form in a form, without violating the character of the material, requires a profound sense of relationship, but also a refining intelligence, for to work in this way is to finish something partially given.”

Exhibitions History
Prizes History
Annual & Awards Exhibition Annual & Awards Exhibition
2024 Threads of Renewal won Mal Wood Foundry Prize
McClelland Gallery McClelland Gallery
2024 Sentinel won People's Choice Award