David Doyle | Sculptor profile
David Doyle Sculptural installation for contemplation Cow Movement in crushed steel Wind Turbines Drawing in 3D  - Bathing Boxes Cow Fish (optical illusion) Architecturally inspired shapes (Country/Urban/Industrial) Wind Turbines Bird Perch Set (Circa 1950s fence/porch panels) The Brush Garden Nest Bird Perch - Bauhaus Style Flower Burst Victorian Prison Hulks Circa 1850s Port of Sale  - Semaphore flag signaling system Taller Flower At War with Self In the Garden Grand Entrance (3) Ornamental Orchard Autumn Renewal Organic Freeform Starburst Starburst trio Southern Cross with two Pointer Stars Compressed Southern Cross - Star Symbols Bird Panels Southern Cross Melbourne International  Flower and Garden Show Pods The Melbourne International Flower and Garden Show Mob Buddha Yacca - Grass Tree Scarred - Canoe Tree

David Doyle

  • Works online: 37 Total prizes: 2
  • Preferred media:
    No preferred media defined.
  • Sculpture styles:
    No sculpture styles defined.
  • Sculpture scales:
    No sculpture scales defined.
  • Sculpture settings:
    No sculpture settings defined.
  • Works to Comission: No
  • Runs Classes: No