Gillian Govan | Sculptor profile
Gillian Govan Connection She is a Live Wire (Switched on to Recycling) Kiralee- Another Day Rocky Road Rain Dancing Together I’m Bracing the Elements A Mother’s Love The Power of One Embracing the Elements Playtime Ring a Ring of Roses Before the Storm 2 Play Time Rain Dancer 2 So Tired Dancing for Joy Balancing Life Joyful Climb Every Mountain I CAN, I WILL AND I DO POWER OF ONE Into the Wind Joie de vivre SO TIRED! Golfing Girl Much Further? Rain Dancer Life’s Ups and Downs Rain Dancing 2 Rain Dancing 1 Hurry or We May Be Too Late Shooting Goals Body and Soul Caressed by the Breeze 2 Black Lace Standing Figure Bookworm Rain Dance 2 Rain Dance  1 Going Green Balance of Payments Where Shell I Go? Where am I going and Where Have I Been? Where Am I Going? Where Have I Been? Grace Bracing the Elements Together 2 Bracing the Elements Together Against the Wind Rain Dance Jackeroo William lll Embracing the Elements Striving Playtime Male Torso Pert and Penitent At Play William the Second Bracing the Elements II Verve Bracing the Elements - Still Caressed by the Breeze Peekaboo Into the Wind Ozzie Bloke Rescued Platypus Let’s Play Footy The Matriarch Windy Day Bracing the Elements Play Time William Weeping Tsunami Rescued II Curiosity Before the Storm Sprightly Not Me! I’m Bracing the Elements

Gillian Govan

  • Works online: 84 Total prizes: 5
  • Preferred media: Cold bronze,
  • Sculpture styles: abstract, figurative, portraits (animal),
  • Sculpture scales: small (0 - 100cm), medium (100 - 200cm), large (200cm+),
  • Sculpture settings: indoor, outdoor, public,
  • Works to Comission: Yes
  • Runs Classes: No
Exhibitions History
Annual & Awards Exhibition Annual & Awards Exhibition
Herring Island Summer Exhibition Herring Island Summer Exhibition
2011 At Play , William
Kinross Art Centre Kinross Art Centre
McClelland Gallery McClelland Gallery
Melbourne International Flower & Garden Show Melbourne International Flower & Garden Show
2015 Grace
2013 Rain Dance
2007 Play Time
2006 Curiosity
2005 Not Me! , Rescued
Victoria Sculpture Prize Victoria Sculpture Prize
Prizes History
Annual & Awards Exhibition Annual & Awards Exhibition
2019 SO TIRED! won Margaret Gunnersen William Hoggan Thomas Award Honourable Mention
2016 Rain Dance 2 won Dalchem Prize
2014 Grace won Margaret Gunnersen William Hoggan Thomas Award First Prize
Melbourne International Flower & Garden Show Melbourne International Flower & Garden Show
2015 Grace won MIF&GS Prize for Formed or Cast Sculpture Highly Commended
2011 William the Second won Highly Commended