Gunnel Watkins | Sculptor profile
Gunnel Watkins Spider Woman Scientia Tension OF Opposites #2 Metamorph Gold Lining Silver Lining Geisha Contemplation Wild & Precious Series - ‘Disruption’ Wild & Precious Series- ‘Dancing in Sunshine’ Contemplation Faith Sacred Ground - Borrowed Time I Bird in Hand Unravel

Gunnel Watkins

  • Works online: 15 Total prizes: 1
  • Preferred media: gypsum cement, ceramic, welded steel, found objects, plaster,
  • Sculpture styles: abstract,
  • Sculpture scales: small (0 - 100cm),
  • Sculpture settings: indoor,
  • Works to Comission: Yes
  • Runs Classes: Yes
Gunnel Watkins short bio

This work was inspired by experiencing the Bangara Dance, courage and passion...I call it 'Bangara Shadow'.

To view my work please go to my website

or follow me on intagram gunnelwatkins

My work aims to capture and express the essence of things.  I wish to 'see' not just look.  What I 'see' I seek to interpret and make visible.  I step into an image / experience or walk through urban and natures textures with the aim of exploring and experiencing  it's essence....'a truth' from within.....“I believe that we  take our magic with us". 

Exhibitions History
Annual & Awards Exhibition Annual & Awards Exhibition
Herring Island Summer Exhibition Herring Island Summer Exhibition
McClelland Gallery McClelland Gallery
Melbourne International Flower & Garden Show Melbourne International Flower & Garden Show
Prizes History
Annual & Awards Exhibition Annual & Awards Exhibition
2023 Metamorph won Margaret Gunnersen William Hoggan Thomas First Prize and Mal Wood Foundry Prize