Heather Wilson | Sculptor profile
White and Red Koi FishFighting Fish #2Fighting Fish #1Angel FishDachshundSiamese Fighting FishAsian DragonSiamese Fighting fishBrown dogHuey and Duey Pair of DachshundsSchnauzerRed ChameleonButterflyGold DragonBrown Monitor LizardBrown DogBlack CatChameleonSmall HeronHeronBoyds forrest DragonGold DragonCatMonitor LizardBlack Striped Angel FishAngel fish with linesYellow and Black Angel FishRed and Yellow Koi FishGreen Metallic Koi FishGold DragonGold Dragon 2Gold Dragon 1Red, White and Green Koi FishWhite and Red Koi FishFighting Fish #2Fighting Fish #1Angel FishDachshundSiamese Fighting FishAsian DragonSiamese Fighting fish

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Heather Wilson

  • Works online: 33 Total prizes: No prizes won.
  • Preferred media: ceramic,
  • Sculpture styles: figurative, fountains/water features, portraits (animal),
  • Sculpture scales: small (0 - 100cm), medium (100 - 200cm),
  • Sculpture settings: indoor, outdoor,
  • Works to Comission: Yes
  • Runs Classes: No