Meredith Plain | Sculptor profile
Blue TorsoArmsAnother Hilltop VillageAfrican SongCatching a RideMermaids TogetherPelicanDennis the DragonThe CaterpillarAlice and the White rabbit meet Tweedledum and TweedledeeWhite RabbitOut of LockdownCycleWho Sank the Boat?All in the Same Boat IIAll in the Same Boat IGarden NymphSitting DragonGaneshDragonGirl in SpringRooster and ChooksGirlKookaburraEelRestingGirl #2Girl #1WomanUp in ArmsTwo GirlsTromboliniThe BootSea CreaturesSagrada IIPossum MagicPelicanOcean TotemMusings IIMusings IMagpie BathLift OffLazy Days IILazy Days IKatHow Does Your Garden Grow?Goddess of the VineGoddess of the Peas and SpinachGoddess of CabbagesGaudi Tribute 2 - Bird HouseGaudi Tribute 1 - SagradaGaudi Bird HouseGarden GirlFrog PileFrog BathFoot prints ll - Little FeetFoot Prints 1 - The BootFish TalesFish BathFarm TruckFace CloudEarth MotherDragonDancing DragonsContemplationCompost QueenBlue TorsoArmsAnother Hilltop VillageAfrican SongCatching a RideMermaids TogetherPelicanDennis the Dragon

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Meredith Plain

  • Works online: 66 Total prizes: No prizes won.
  • Preferred media:
    No preferred media defined.
  • Sculpture styles: figurative, fountains/water features,
  • Sculpture scales: medium (100 - 200cm), large (200cm+),
  • Sculpture settings: indoor, outdoor,
  • Works to Comission: No
  • Runs Classes: No