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Logos is a human interpretation of a self-portrait generated by an Artificial Intelligence image program. The visual and initial concept emerged when the program was prompted with the query, 'show me what you look like when you’re thinking’. In this reversal of roles, humans take on the task of serving the machines and programs. Using chainsaw and chisel on Indonesian wood, Ioanna has given physical form to a program behind the screen. Endowing it with a cute, cartoon-like persona - yet reminiscent of an aging relic. As a sculptor engaged in diverse technology-related projects, Ioanna prompts viewers to contemplate the importance of digital literacy in the realm of emerging technologies.

Price $800.00  BUY ($800.00)
Media Pohon Pule Wood
Dimensions 55 x 47 x 65
Weight 12kg
Year created 2023
Technical Support:



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