This most wondrous of creatures is floating in the sea- caring nothing about the world above, its actions, its mess... The Leafy Sea dragon is enough. Functionally beautiful, not envious- to just be...
Price | $9,200.00 | BUY ($9,200.00) |
Media | Bronze, red gum, cypress pine, zinc, steel | |
Dimensions | 155h x 50w x 50d cm | |
Weight | 35kg | |
Year created | 2021 | |
Edition | unique | |
Technical Support: | Mal Wood Foundry, THUD |
Our People's choice award voting window is still open.
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- The sculptor of the winning work will be awarded $100
- A randomly chosen voter will win the voters' prize of a $50 Bunnings voucher.
- The lucky voter will be contacted directly so please ensure you enter your contact details correctly.