Instinctively feel the vertical, the horizontal, the centre of mass, the balance point. Gravity is grounding. Courage! Work bold with hammer and chisel; don’t fear to fail. It’s all a matter of balance.
Price | $3,500.00 | BUY ($3,500.00) |
Media | Carrara marble, hardwood, copper | |
Dimensions | 25 x 65 x 12 cm | |
Weight | 6.2kg | |
Year created | 2023 | |
Edition | unique | |
Technical Support: |
Our People's choice award voting window is still open.
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- Scroll down to vote for your favourite sculpture.
- The sculptor of the winning work will be awarded $100
- A randomly chosen voter will win the voters' prize of a $50 Bunnings voucher.
- The lucky voter will be contacted directly so please ensure you enter your contact details correctly.