To Laugh

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The Australian Tern is in the family Laridae from the Ancient Greeks gelao, “To Laugh”. Terns are long-lived birds and are relatively free from natural predators. Most species are declining in numbers due to directly or indirectly to human activities, including habitat loss, pollution and disturbance often by dogs and vehicles. In some cultures, they are protected, in others they are well sought after as a delicate food choice, believing their eggs to be an aphrodisiac. Terns have been useful to some fisherman, paving the way for a school of fish for easy food supplies yet the ocean gull has declined in population. Feed sources containing plastic from ocean waste and floating debris pinpoints the human impact on sea and land creatures.

Price $1,200.00  BUY ($1,200.00)
Media Ocean Rubbish, plastic, Ghostnets
Dimensions 35cm H x 80cm W x 80cm D
Weight 1kg
Year created 2022
Edition unique Piece
Technical Support: NA



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