Michelle Jane Kowalczyk | Sculptor profile
Michelle Jane KowalczykBursting FreeJust a ShellPhoenix ReflectionsMichelle Jane KowalczykBursting FreeJust a ShellPhoenix ReflectionsMichelle Jane Kowalczyk

Michelle Jane Kowalczyk

  • Works online: 3 Total prizes: No prizes won.
  • Preferred media: metal, resin, wood, foam,
  • Sculpture styles: abstract, installations,
  • Sculpture scales: small (0 - 100cm), medium (100 - 200cm),
  • Sculpture settings: indoor, outdoor,
  • Works to Comission: No
  • Runs Classes: Yes
Michelle Jane Kowalczyk short bio

I'm a mixed media artist who's practice incorporates traditional painting and drawing skills into artwork that often have a three dimensional aspect. My practice in sculpture is mainly experimental and yes, as such is often contains flaws, but that's part of the lure for me. I enjoy working with wood, recycled materials, resin, 3D printing and foam.

I may not be a master sculpture, but I have a love of the unique beauty of sculpture and the creative outlet that it provides. It has become a passion of mine that challenges and excites me, because there's nothing more enticing than being able to make something with your own hands, especially when it becomes a happy mistake that surprises and delights.

Exhibitions History
Melbourne International Flower & Garden Show Melbourne International Flower & Garden Show
Victoria Sculpture Prize Victoria Sculpture Prize
Prizes History
No prizes won.