Tania Stavovy | Sculptor profile
Evolving UNFOLD LIBERTY BONDED DEVOTION INWARD GAZE UNFORMED Spring Slumber BEYOND Reverie The One Molecules of Life Series: #1, #2, #3 Juxtaposition Joie de Vivre Yearn Serenity Joie de Vivre Nurture Springtime The Gaze Awakening Unity Emergence One Plato’s Guardian Time Passed Attachment Fertility Venus Protected Love To Love and to Hold To Enfold To Dream There The String of Life The Kiss Serenity Love Spurned Here Held Grief Enrapt Emerge Delve Coveted

Tania Stavovy

  • Works online: 46 Total prizes: No prizes won.
  • Preferred media:
    No preferred media defined.
  • Sculpture styles: abstract, figurative,
  • Sculpture scales: small (0 - 100cm), medium (100 - 200cm), large (200cm+),
  • Sculpture settings: indoor, outdoor, public,
  • Works to Comission: No
  • Runs Classes: No
Tania Stavovy short bio

I work in a variety of mediums- clay, plaster, limestone, soapstone and marble. I attempt to capture the range of human emotion and the essence of the human subject through realistic and abstract portrayals. Blending my clinical work as a psychotherapist with my artistic practice, each informs the other as I explore what it means to be human using the nonverbal visual medium of sculpture.

The previous practices of the sculptors in Neolithic and prehistoric times, classical antiquity, Rodin, Giacometti, Henry Moore, Barbara Hepworth and Brancusi couched within the structure of Western Psychology, inform my attempt to understand the evolution of man, the development of the mind and human relationships.

My works are held in private collections in Melbourne and a recent public acquisition at Werribee Mercy Hospital, Melbourne.

Exhibitions History
Annual & Awards Exhibition Annual & Awards Exhibition
2024 Evolving
2014 Emergence , One
2011 Delve
2010 Grief , To Dream
Kinross Art Centre Kinross Art Centre
McClelland Gallery McClelland Gallery
Melbourne International Flower & Garden Show Melbourne International Flower & Garden Show
2019 Reverie
2010 Coveted , Enrapt
2009 Emerge , Here , There
Victoria Sculpture Prize Victoria Sculpture Prize
Prizes History
No prizes won.