- Year Created: 2008
- Dimensions: 41cm x 41cm 41cm
- Weight: 10kgm
- Media: Mixed media & clay.
- Sculpture Pictures: 2
- Sculpture Weight: 10kgm
- Edition: Unique.
Although an older work of mine, I feel it relevant to this exhibition and a species of animal that is greatly misunderstood. Most wild dogs are in fact Dingo cross, according to wikipedia, more than half Dingo, or have mated with the Dingo. One quarter of all wild dogs are in fact 100% dingo. Sheep Farmers and cattle herdsman Australia wide tend to fear this animal, but many scientists believe they in fact keep other smaller predators down that are more lethal to their stock, & if left to their natural habitat, tend to leave sheep alone. This compilation piece won First Prize in The Cube Gallery Frankston.