Wendy Reiss | Sculptor profile
Dragon Lady The Last of His Mob Masked Kanga/ Wild Horses & Kangaroos Alike! Cullings of Brumbies & Obsolete Modes of Transport Lupus Australis ON THE VERGE’ Propagation and Encroachment on The Edge of the Desert Little Kanga Mask Sad Elephant Woman Mask Kanga Mask

Wendy Reiss

  • Works online: 10 Total prizes: 1
  • Preferred media:
    No preferred media defined.
  • Sculpture styles:
    No sculpture styles defined.
  • Sculpture scales:
    No sculpture scales defined.
  • Sculpture settings:
    No sculpture settings defined.
  • Works to Comission: No
  • Runs Classes: No
Exhibitions History
Prizes History
Annual & Awards Exhibition Annual & Awards Exhibition
2016 Kanga Mask won CMP Stone Supplies Prize