- Year Created: 2014
- Dimensions: 23 x 14 x 14cm
- Weight: 10kg
- Media: cement|steel|marble|marble mosaic
- Sculpture Pictures: 4
- Sculpture Weight: 10kg
- Edition:
I completed a Bachelor of Fine Arts (Sculpture) at RMIT University in Victoria in 1992. My focus soon moved to mosaics and my Italian heritage took me back to Italy in 2007 where I studied ancient and traditional methods and approaches to mosaic art making. I design and create pieces that are notable for their use of natural stone and aesthetic senses. Each individual work is formed though a meticulous labour-intensive process which includes cutting each piece of marble by hand, with the use of a hammer and hardie. The technique brings a simplicity, a quietness and a sense of innate strength to each expressive work.
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