ASV presents
2025 Herring Island Summer Arts Festival - Online Exhibition
Votes open: You can vote for a sculpture to win the people’s choice award.
Welcome to the Exhibition:


Introduced sculpture by Marynes Avila


by Marynes Avila


Columnular sculpture by David Barclay


by David Barclay


When the wets went dry sculpture by Drasko Boljevic

When the wets went dry

by Drasko Boljevic


Return to the office sculpture by Lois Basham

Return to the office

by Lois Basham


Simone sculpture by Rachel Boymal


by Rachel Boymal


The Plague Doctors sculpture by Paul Cacioli

The Plague Doctors

by Paul Cacioli


Human Bean sculpture by Lucinda Brash

Human Bean

by Lucinda Brash


Joie de Vie -1 sculpture by Jude Bridges-Tull

Joie de Vie -1

by Jude Bridges-Tull


Bolt out of the Blue sculpture by Trevor Carter

Bolt out of the Blue

by Trevor Carter


Joie de Vie 2 sculpture by Jude Bridges-Tull

Joie de Vie 2

by Jude Bridges-Tull


Who’s Listening? sculpture by Janine Clark

Who’s Listening?

by Janine Clark


Wave sculpture by Trevor Carter


by Trevor Carter


A New Beginning sculpture by Betty Collier

A New Beginning

by Betty Collier


Raptor 2 sculpture by Bronwyn Culshaw

Raptor 2

by Bronwyn Culshaw


Bronze Age Man sculpture by Bronwyn Culshaw

Bronze Age Man

by Bronwyn Culshaw


Adonois Look-alike sculpture by Bronwyn Culshaw

Adonois Look-alike

by Bronwyn Culshaw


Girl On Books sculpture by Eva Ermer

Girl On Books

by Eva Ermer


Temptress sculpture by Eva Ermer


by Eva Ermer


Shake sculpture by Annie Glass


by Annie Glass


Joyful sculpture by Gillian Govan


by Gillian Govan


Balancing Life sculpture by Gillian Govan

Balancing Life

by Gillian Govan


Dancing for Joy sculpture by Gillian Govan

Dancing for Joy

by Gillian Govan


Separation and Consolidation (2) sculpture by Ilona Herreiner

Separation and Consolidation (2)

by Ilona Herreiner


Reverie sculpture by Betty Knight


by Betty Knight


Waiting sculpture by Anthony Kim


by Anthony Kim


Good morning Mrs Watson, Good morning Mr Wilson sculpture by Anthony Kim

Good morning Mrs Watson, Good morning Mr Wilson

by Anthony Kim


The Family’s Screen time sky rocketed during lockdown sculpture by Mim Kocher

The Family’s Screen time sky rocketed during lockdown

by Mim Kocher


The Surfer sculpture by Mim Kocher

The Surfer

by Mim Kocher


Baby Magpie sculpture by Lucy McEachern

Baby Magpie

by Lucy McEachern


Pink eared duck sculpture by Lucy McEachern

Pink eared duck

by Lucy McEachern


Seated Cat sculpture by Anna Meszaros

Seated Cat

by Anna Meszaros


Pyramid of Light sculpture by Yvonne Monik

Pyramid of Light

by Yvonne Monik


Divergence sculpture by Marija Patterson


by Marija Patterson


Over the Sea to a New Beginning sculpture by Marija Patterson

Over the Sea to a New Beginning

by Marija Patterson


Serenity sculpture by Marija Patterson


by Marija Patterson


All in the Same Boat I sculpture by Meredith Plain

All in the Same Boat I

by Meredith Plain


Who Sank the Boat? sculpture by Meredith Plain

Who Sank the Boat?

by Meredith Plain


Garden Lady sculpture by Carmel Ritchie

Garden Lady

by Carmel Ritchie


Containment sculpture by Gavin Roberts


by Gavin Roberts


Wombat sculpture by Peter Sanders


by Peter Sanders


The Prince sculpture by Peter Sanders

The Prince

by Peter Sanders


Where the Wolves Hide sculpture by Peter Saville

Where the Wolves Hide

by Peter Saville


Quiver sculpture by Peter Saville


by Peter Saville


Frontier sculpture by Hugues Scheid


by Hugues Scheid


Ancora  Imparo sculpture by Hugues Scheid

Ancora Imparo

by Hugues Scheid


whispers on the sand sculpture by  Fatih  Semiz

whispers on the sand

by Fatih Semiz


BEYOND sculpture by Tania Stavovy


by Tania Stavovy


Eternal Caress sculpture by Todd Lyndon Stuart

Eternal Caress

by Todd Lyndon Stuart


What’s Next Mama? sculpture by Todd Lyndon Stuart

What’s Next Mama?

by Todd Lyndon Stuart


Dreamers Hands sculpture by Todd Lyndon Stuart

Dreamers Hands

by Todd Lyndon Stuart


Libitina sculpture by Lisa  Timms Stevens


by Lisa Timms Stevens


Zethus sculpture by Lisa  Timms Stevens


by Lisa Timms Stevens


Twenty Twenty sculpture by Sioma Wajchman

Twenty Twenty

by Sioma Wajchman


Willow sculpture by Jenny Whiteside


by Jenny Whiteside


Nocturne #3 sculpture by Bruce Webb

Nocturne #3

by Bruce Webb


Vedette sculpture by Bruce Webb


by Bruce Webb


Bird with Knitted Jacket sculpture by Sandie Wright

Bird with Knitted Jacket

by Sandie Wright

That was the final sculpture in this section.

Before you cast your People’s Choice Award vote be sure to look at the sculptures in the other section of the Annual & Awards Exhibition.

Introduced sculpture by Marynes Avila

004 - Introduced

by Marynes Avila
Columnular sculpture by David Barclay

005 - Columnular

by David Barclay
When the wets went dry sculpture by Drasko Boljevic

005 - When the wets went dry

by Drasko Boljevic
Return to the office sculpture by Lois Basham

006 - Return to the office

by Lois Basham
Simone sculpture by Rachel Boymal

008 - Simone

by Rachel Boymal
The Plague Doctors sculpture by Paul Cacioli

009 - The Plague Doctors

by Paul Cacioli
Human Bean sculpture by Lucinda Brash

010 - Human Bean

by Lucinda Brash
Joie de Vie -1 sculpture by Jude Bridges-Tull

011 - Joie de Vie -1

by Jude Bridges-Tull
Bolt out of the Blue sculpture by Trevor Carter

011 - Bolt out of the Blue

by Trevor Carter
Joie de Vie 2 sculpture by Jude Bridges-Tull

012 - Joie de Vie 2

by Jude Bridges-Tull
Who’s Listening? sculpture by Janine Clark

012 - Who’s Listening?

by Janine Clark
Wave sculpture by Trevor Carter

015 - Wave

by Trevor Carter
A New Beginning sculpture by Betty Collier

016 - A New Beginning

by Betty Collier
Raptor 2 sculpture by Bronwyn Culshaw

017 - Raptor 2

by Bronwyn Culshaw
Bronze Age Man sculpture by Bronwyn Culshaw

018 - Bronze Age Man

by Bronwyn Culshaw
Adonois Look-alike sculpture by Bronwyn Culshaw

019 - Adonois Look-alike

by Bronwyn Culshaw
Girl On Books sculpture by Eva Ermer

020 - Girl On Books

by Eva Ermer
Temptress sculpture by Eva Ermer

021 - Temptress

by Eva Ermer
Shake sculpture by Annie Glass

022 - Shake

by Annie Glass
Joyful sculpture by Gillian Govan

023 - Joyful

by Gillian Govan
Balancing Life sculpture by Gillian Govan

024 - Balancing Life

by Gillian Govan
Dancing for Joy sculpture by Gillian Govan

025 - Dancing for Joy

by Gillian Govan
Separation and Consolidation (2) sculpture by Ilona Herreiner

026 - Separation and Consolidation (2)

by Ilona Herreiner
Reverie sculpture by Betty Knight

026 - Reverie

by Betty Knight
Waiting sculpture by Anthony Kim

028 - Waiting

by Anthony Kim
Good morning Mrs Watson, Good morning Mr Wilson sculpture by Anthony Kim

029 - Good morning Mrs Watson, Good morning Mr Wilson

by Anthony Kim
The Family’s Screen time sky rocketed during lockdown sculpture by Mim Kocher

031 - The Family’s Screen time sky rocketed during lockdown

by Mim Kocher
The Surfer sculpture by Mim Kocher

032 - The Surfer

by Mim Kocher
Baby Magpie sculpture by Lucy McEachern

033 - Baby Magpie

by Lucy McEachern
Pink eared duck sculpture by Lucy McEachern

034 - Pink eared duck

by Lucy McEachern
Seated Cat sculpture by Anna Meszaros

035 - Seated Cat

by Anna Meszaros
Pyramid of Light sculpture by Yvonne Monik

038 - Pyramid of Light

by Yvonne Monik
Divergence sculpture by Marija Patterson

039 - Divergence

by Marija Patterson
Over the Sea to a New Beginning sculpture by Marija Patterson

040 - Over the Sea to a New Beginning

by Marija Patterson
Serenity sculpture by Marija Patterson

041 - Serenity

by Marija Patterson
All in the Same Boat I sculpture by Meredith Plain

043 - All in the Same Boat I

by Meredith Plain
Who Sank the Boat? sculpture by Meredith Plain

044 - Who Sank the Boat?

by Meredith Plain
Garden Lady sculpture by Carmel Ritchie

046 - Garden Lady

by Carmel Ritchie
Containment sculpture by Gavin Roberts

050 - Containment

by Gavin Roberts
Wombat sculpture by Peter Sanders

051 - Wombat

by Peter Sanders
The Prince sculpture by Peter Sanders

052 - The Prince

by Peter Sanders
Where the Wolves Hide sculpture by Peter Saville

053 - Where the Wolves Hide

by Peter Saville
Quiver sculpture by Peter Saville

054 - Quiver

by Peter Saville
Frontier sculpture by Hugues Scheid

055 - Frontier

by Hugues Scheid
Ancora  Imparo sculpture by Hugues Scheid

056 - Ancora Imparo

by Hugues Scheid
whispers on the sand sculpture by  Fatih  Semiz

057 - whispers on the sand

by Fatih Semiz
BEYOND sculpture by Tania Stavovy

058 - BEYOND

by Tania Stavovy
Eternal Caress sculpture by Todd Lyndon Stuart

059 - Eternal Caress

by Todd Lyndon Stuart
What’s Next Mama? sculpture by Todd Lyndon Stuart

060 - What’s Next Mama?

by Todd Lyndon Stuart
Dreamers Hands sculpture by Todd Lyndon Stuart

061 - Dreamers Hands

by Todd Lyndon Stuart
Libitina sculpture by Lisa  Timms Stevens

062 - Libitina

by Lisa Timms Stevens
Zethus sculpture by Lisa  Timms Stevens

063 - Zethus

by Lisa Timms Stevens
Twenty Twenty sculpture by Sioma Wajchman

064 - Twenty Twenty

by Sioma Wajchman
Willow sculpture by Jenny Whiteside

064 - Willow

by Jenny Whiteside
Nocturne #3 sculpture by Bruce Webb

065 - Nocturne #3

by Bruce Webb
Vedette sculpture by Bruce Webb

067 - Vedette

by Bruce Webb
Bird with Knitted Jacket sculpture by Sandie Wright

070 - Bird with Knitted Jacket

by Sandie Wright

Go back to the top to choose to see other sections of this exhibition