by Anne Anderson
002 - Karla Act III
by Anne Anderson
003 - Precious
by Marynes Avila
005 - Cassandra
by Rachel Boymal
006 - Good dog
by Lucinda Brash
007 - Wave
by Lucinda Brash
008 - Good dog 2
by Lucinda Brash
009 - Fallen
by Paul Cacioli
010 - Watching
by Paul Cacioli
011 - Cecelia’s Harp
by Paul Cacioli
014 - In Remembrance of Bryce Courtenay’s Danny Dunn
by Betty Collier
015 - The Phoenix
by Betty Collier
016 - Lepus Alba
by Bronwyn Culshaw
017 - Wind Turbines
by David Doyle
018 - Architecturally inspired shapes (Country/Urban/Industrial)
by David Doyle
019 - Fish (optical illusion)
by David Doyle
020 - The Sails
by Eva Ermer
021 - Temptress
by Eva Ermer
022 - Grace Girl in a Pear
by Eva Ermer
023 - YingYang
026 - The Power of One
by Gillian Govan
027 - Behind the Curtain
by Ilona Herreiner
028 - Girl With the Long Hair
by Betty Knight
029 - Marine glimpse
by Betty Knight
030 - Weedy Sea Dragon
by Betty Knight
by Van Phu Le
032 - Breaching Whale
by Anna Meszaros
033 - Portrait of a cat
by Anna Meszaros
034 - Plumber’s Nightmare
by Michael Meszaros OAM
036 - Nuclear Cactus Life After Death
by Moz Moresi
037 - All Ways
by Marija Patterson
038 - Habitation
by Marija Patterson
039 - Turmoil
by Marija Patterson
040 - The Beauty of Nature
by Melanie Rayski-Mati
041 - Australian Gum Leaf
by Melanie Rayski-Mati
042 - Stardust to Stardust
by Jenny Rickards
044 - Abstract #2
by Carmel Ritchie
045 - Dwell
by Gavin Roberts
046 - Two worlds apart
by Gavin Roberts
047 - Spirit
by Peter Saville
048 - Ebb and Flow
by Fatih Semiz
049 - Memento Mori with Middle Finger Extended
by Todd Lyndon Stuart
050 - Vesica Piscis return
by Diane Thompson
051 - Let’s explore the world together
by Erin Tsubono
053 - Flight Girl
by Mary Van den Broek
054 - Metamorphosis
by Sioma Wajchman
055 - Sailing into Infinity
by Domenica Wallace
056 - Silver Lining
by Gunnel Watkins
057 - Gold Lining
by Gunnel Watkins
058 - Metamorph
by Gunnel Watkins
061 - Gold Dragon
by Heather Wilson
062 - Butterfly
by Heather Wilson
064 - Out for a Duck
by Aleida Wright
065 - Musical Interlude
by Aleida Wright